Coronavirus Italy lock-down: personal experience

Coronavirus Italy lock-down: personal experience

Have you ever wanted to go home after a holiday? Nah, us either, except for this past week when the Coronavirus Italy lock-down was announced without warning. We had legitimate fears we’d be stuck in Sicily for the month to come. Maybe longer, the way things are looking now! Things have been anxious and stressful, to say the least. And as I reflect on the events that unfolded, I’m sad to say things have only gotten worse.

Just a year ago, we were on one of the best trips of our lives. We enjoyed a train journey across the country, taking in Milan, Lake Como, Verona and Venice.

It was magical, and I hope to return again soon.


Coronavirus Italy lock-down

For now, Italy has been hit HARD by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the country is a no-go zone. Usually it’s teeming with tourists. On the morning of 10 March, we woke up in our Airbnb in Catania, Sicily, at 6am to discover that late the evening before, the government had announced extreme measures – all of Italy was on lock-down. A terrible way to start your day!

Coronavirus – an infectious disease that attacks lungs and airways as well as other vital organs if you’re suffering from underlining health conditions – had been sweeping through the north of Italy. When we chose to continue with our trip to the south of Italy – Sicily – that area was clear. Several major centres in the north had already been quarantined which had been the strategy for China where COVID-19 originated. But just a few days before when we stepped onto a plane, our destination was fine.

Certainly, there were signs of trouble on 8 March. Our flight was only about a quarter full. But we had nowhere else to be that week, and figured we would go catch up with some friends who were also headed to Catania – a few ‘TBEX survivors’ who still turned up for a travel media conference that has been (at time of publishing) postponed.

Coronavirus lock-down in Italy and around the world

Panic response vs managing a crisis

If we’d only seen the messaging the evening before, we might have got out on a flight to the UK easily on Tuesday 10 March. It had been our back-up plan – if things escalated, we’d just get on a flight straight away. But from 6am until 6pm both Cooper and I were on our computers and on phones, trying to get out.

Things looked bright around 8am when we finally got a flight from Catania to neighbouring Malta. We figured Malta was a good choice, we know the place well. I transferred our Easyjet flight from Catania (set for Saturday 14 March) to take us from Malta to London the next day. We incurred some hefty fees but that was ok, it was time to leave.

Something told me to keep an eye on the Catania airport departures board. It felt like the response from our accommodation on the ground in Malta was fearful. Malta is close to Italy, and it’s a small island. If Coronavirus infiltrates, they’d find it hard to manage. I was liaising with the manager of the airport accommodation on WhatsApp when I spotted about 9.30am: our flight status had gone from grey (‘scheduled’) to red – cancelled.

Distress kicked in from that point. Everything was cancelled, more and more as the minutes went by. We love travel. But the feeling of being trapped is unnerving. Our family in Australia were getting worried too. They called and tried to help – which was appreciated, but added to our anxiety.

In my view, with so many people trying to urgently get back to their country of residence, governments and airlines in the area made bad decisions – panicked choices that amplified the problems and the region’s collective fears.

Bad practice by airlines in a time of heightened anxiety

After this, we spent the day trying to book flights on numerous airlines to many different destinations. The threats from the media and government warnings kept mounting: we would be locked in and all flights grounded within 48 hours. Although, many, many flights were simply cancelled that same day. Countries were closing their borders to anyone coming from Italy. It felt like we didn’t have a chance!

BUT, airfares continued to sell. Oh, and many airlines simply shut off their customer service call lines and social media messaging function too. No contact, many charges and much stress. We’d get to the payment section and the bill would tally on our credit card – our flight tickets wouldn’t process though. We encountered ‘errors’. Only to try again and discover the flight prices had been hiked up significantly. Very bad practice in a time of much stress. Some university students we met later on told us stories of how they simply had no more credit to keep booking under these circumstances, and they’re still in Italy.

It seems that if you continued to book, you eventually won a lottery seat on a flight out – but he/she who paid the highest price won a spot on the escape route. By 5pm I was in tears, Cooper was stressed (he’s NEVER stressed), and we didn’t know what to do.

Small gestures and good people

Through all of this though, our encounters with kindness were amplified. The manager of this small airport hotel in Malta was ever so kind, assuring me he’d not hesitate to issue a refund, despite stating the fee was non-refundable. He stuck to his word, and the money came back.

Similarly, our Catania Airbnb host made us feel safe and offered help to contact embassies and get food. He also told us that he’d help us with accommodation if we got stuck.

These gestures – from operators who will suffer financially as part of this global disaster – were really appreciated in stressful times.

We were also in contact with our house sit in England – one we were returning to after sitting for them in Bedfordshire last year. (They run a beautiful B&B here too, if you want to visit when things are back to normal!) 👇

Due to the unprecedented situation, we suggested they might want to look for last-minute sitters. Instead of doing this though, our host spent time looking for flights that might just get us out of Italy and back to the UK via a European destination.

We’d tried a few of these routes, but Andy at our house sit found one on Ryanair via a cool city in the Netherlands that we’d never heard of, Eindhoven.

As it turned out, Andy’s suggestion that we chose to book (despite the stress of mounting credit card fees and the necessity of an overnight connection stay) totally saved us. This flight was one of the last two flights out of Sicily on 12 March. Nothing is set to leave until mid-April, or beyond. When we landed in Eindhoven, everyone cheered!

Coronavirus Italy lock-down experience - just up the road from where we were in Sicily

Lock-down in Catania

We were really lucky to get out after a couple of days. Wow, were those days fraught with anxiety. To get groceries or necessities, we had to line up one at a time outside stores. Lock-down got crazy and scary. Masks and gloves were essential. The image above is from an area near us in Catania – deserted. The feature image at the top is from Catania’s famous and usually thriving fish markets. Again, now all closed indefinitely.

One shop after another gradually closed, store-owners aware they were shutting their doors indefinitely. How will they pay the bills? Can this country recover? Life’s already tough for many.

Sleep was hard because each hour the rules changed, not just in Italy but around Europe and the world. Borders closed, transport was restricted and people started hoarding food.

The aftermath

There was no guarantee our flight would depart. Every half hour on the 12th, we obsessively checked but it remained green: good to go at 5:15pm.

Travellers in Catania worried about whether they should try to leave and risk potentially spreading the virus at home or passing on to ‘at risk’ relatives. We would face a 14 day self quarantine if we got into the UK, but that was ok by us – we were headed to a regional area anyway. As residents in England, we chose to pursue a location where we can access healthcare (although perhaps a dubious notion now that hospitals are overwhelmed).

We worried for friends (like Jason and his mum 👇) who appeared to be entirely stuck in Catania. They were even asked to leave their Airbnb with nowhere to go!

I had transferred our original Easyjet tickets back to the Saturday flight out (at more expense), but it was cancelled too.

We felt sick, despite the sunny days in Catania which would otherwise be a joy. Our time was spent indoors except for going out to get a bit of food. The streets were dead. A few cafes were open, but not for many more days, I’d guess. The experience took me to the height of anxiety. We’re still waiting for refunds from airlines that I’m not sure will come – perhaps they’ll go into receivership before processing. I never imagined I’d want to leave Italy, ever! But during those days, we very much did want to get out, back to a ‘home’ base.

The future?

Since we left Italy, thousands of people have died due to COVID-19, and thousands more are ill, without access to oxygen or healthcare. The situation there is now worse than it is in China. The system in Italy is not coping. Other European nations are in a similar situation, and the UK harbours legitimate concerns about the future too.

Conversations have moved from ‘this is just a flu’, to, ‘you really should talk about final arrangements with your family should the worst happen’.

They say there’s reasons to find hope within this chaos. This is how things unfolded in Sicily and elsewhere 👇🙌


Now we are on lock-down in the UK (but so far virus free 🤞). We’re trying our best to deal with the anxiety associated with an uncertain future – here’s our personal tips on that.

I don’t know if things are ok though, or what’s around the corner.

No one really does.



How to find your perfect wine tasting in Italy experiences

How to find your perfect wine tasting in Italy experiences

So many dazzling attractions, but its food and wine stand out as favourites of ours, so wine tasting in Italy is always an experience we pursue. Wine, like food (and we’ve touched on food tours in Italy here) tells the story of the land, people and culture. Italy is an exciting country, producing all types of famous drops.

Discovering your perfect wine tasting in Italy experience

With so many options for wine tasting in Italy, where should you start? The country is a big producer of reds, whites and sparkling. You could choose your adventure based on region that you want to visit. Or choose the region based on the wines you want to taste.

A particularly helpful blog on the wine regions in Italy is linked here. It includes an infographic/map and explanations of the types of wines on offer.

Tuscany is obviously very famous, and to stay among the vineyards here is a real treat. We had the chance to visit Tuscany and its wineries a couple of years ago and highly recommend the experience. There’s so much to do though, we need to go back with a bigger and brighter plan!

This year we travelled through the Lombardy and Veneto producing regions. Take a look at the map linked above for more. In Verona we tried some delicious reds from around the region.

In Venice we went to a Prosecco tasting. Some were local blends and others came from Bologna.

We feel there are three simple ways you can discover wines on your trip to Italy.

Winery tours

Wineries are all over Italy, and a great way to get stuck into wine tasting here. Tuscany is a prime example, but you’ll need to know how you want to do it. We needed to drive a lot there, which isn’t ideal if you’re doing a lot of wine tasting in Italy. You can contact wineries in the regions you’re going to, to find out when they’re open and how to take part in tastings. Alternatively, you could search for bus tours (day trip or longer) that take in a number of options.

Destinations tourism websites often offer helpful advice as a first step. But do some research on blogs or YouTube to see if you can uncover smaller local offerings that will give you an even more unique experience.

Wine tasting in Italy at vineyards and wineries is a wonderful opportunity to get underneath the skin of the business. Many of these places are family run with centuries of history behind the land and brand. You learn about production and grape types, and will walk away with a true appreciation for wine production.




Walking tours

If you’re short on time but want a snapshot of the industry in a particular town, look out for short tours or tastings.

In Verona and Venice, Airbnb suggested inexpensive options that were wonderful for a few reasons:

  1. We made new local friends and supported their businesses
  2. They showed us around their back streets and to places we’d never have found on our own on a short break away
  3. We tasted local wines and learnt about the place through the stories of our hosts.

Many local experiences are showing up like this now, if you ask around on TripAdvisor, search Viator, and read tourism websites, Facebook groups, or blogs.

In-store experiences

On our travels through Italy I also spotted that many little boutique bars or wine stores offered their own tastings. Admittedly, our Prosecco tasting experience in Venice, while good value and served lovely food and drinks, wasn’t exactly personal. We wanted to learn more about the bubbles we were trying.

That said, plenty of options were on offer through Airbnb, and all over the place (as referenced above), or you could search a hashtag on Instagram for inspiration. Our Prosecco experience was still enjoyable, and it’s a fun way to spend a couple of hours.

These simple tastings are great because they’re in the location where you area already, they’re usually good value for money, and you may even find a favourite boutique store or bar in the process.


Do you have questions, tips or advice on this subject? Let us know in the comments 


3 ways to find a food tour in Italy (and why you should)

3 ways to find a food tour in Italy (and why you should)

If there’s any culture in the world that can tell its story through cuisine, it’s the Italians who’ll shine, and precisely why you should seek a food tour in Italy.

We’ve been lucky enough to explore various parts, from Milan across to Venice, Tuscany and Rome, everywhere we’ve gone on a culinary trip.


Our 3 favourite types of food tours in Italy


Find a walking food tour in Italy

There’s nothing quite like discovering a place through the eyes of a local. Everywhere in the world has its own culinary traditions and stories. Italy is of course, no exception.

Our week long trip in Italy this past April opened up a plethora of foodie delights we never knew existed. If we’d not found a guide to take us on a food tour (which usually included discovering local secret places too), we’d perhaps not have discovered:

– Aperitivo – the best Italian tradition you’ve never heard of! Start in Milan. For a set price you buy a drink like a cocktail and can indulge in a large buffet too! Read more

– Cichetti – like Spanish tapas, served at bacari, traditional bars, in Venice. Live like a local. Read more

– Italian coffee culture. Start your day drinking a macchiato standing at a bar in a coffee shop. Don’t sit down out the front, you’ll look like a tourist! Cappuccinos or lattes are for the morning only, never after lunch. An espresso is ok at any time of the day. Here’s a quick guide on your options

– Gelato – support local when in Italy. We discover in Italy how to keep the prices down and determine the difference between authentic and not-so… Read more

– Panzerotti (deep fried pizza dough) and the place you should queue up to taste it in Milan. Read more

Why do a walking tour? It’s easy, fun and you get to live like a local for a couple of hours. Not to mention, you can grill your walking and food tour host with any questions you like. Mostly you get an authentic experience that’s inexpensive, and you can find gems off the tourist trail. We took a walking food tour in Verona and Venice, both booked on Airbnb.


Learn to cook

One glance across experience promoters like Airbnb or Viator shows just how many cooking tours there are around the world now. Most mean you turn up to someone’s home, or a family restaurant’s kitchen, and spend a few hours learning (or honing) a skill. It might be pasta, desserts or a uniquely local cuisine you’re learning. Either way, what better opportunity do you have to learn about a new place?

The bonus of this type of experience is you’re usually supporting a local business. Win win!

One of our most popular blogs on Travel Live Learn is about pursuing creative travel experiences including this type of trip. Have a read here.

There’s plenty of this type of class or food tour on offer all over Italy. If you have any that you’d recommend, do please share details in the comments below.


Organised coach tours

If you’re fully committed to spending a few days discovering Italy through the eyes of food, there are coach tours available exclusively for this purpose. A simple search, ‘food tour Italy’ brings up a number of options. You might explore the regions we did, like Milan, Verona or Venice. Or, the famous Tuscan food and wine region. There are plenty of small towns that offer amazing insight into food and wine, and if you don’t have a car, a booking like this is the way to go to not miss anything important.

An organised tour takes the stress out of figuring out what to do and may include an itinerary of a few days. You don’t have to worry about driving or finding your way – just focus on what’s important. Your taste buds!

We’re loving localised experiences at the moment, and it started with discovering Brussels through the lens of beer and chocolate.

Other ways you can find a food tour in your country or region of choice, might be by searching for recommendations on Tripadvisor, YouTube or running a hashtag search on Instagram for #foodtour, for example.

We discovered the Brussels option on the destination’s tourism website, and our Italy experiences (including wine tastings, which you can read about here) popped up as recommendations alongside our Airbnb bookings.

Do you have tips or a personal example to share, or even questions? Let us know in the comments


Exploring Verona: The Iconic Romeo and Juliet Setting [2024 Update]

Exploring Verona: The Iconic Romeo and Juliet Setting [2024 Update]

When you think of the classic Romeo and Juliet setting, various images might pop into your mind. Perhaps you envision a vibrant and modern adaptation à la Baz Luhrmann. Or maybe your imagination is captivated by a stunning ballet rendition seen somewhere around the globe.

While I cherish every interpretation of this timeless tale (can’t forget Leo and Claire’s mesmerizing portrayal in 1996!), I invite you to join me in envisioning Verona as the quintessential Romeo and Juliet setting. This Italian city, steeped in romance and history, is where the love story of Shakespeare’s most famous characters unfolds.


In recent years, Verona has continually emerged in our travel conversations. Eventually, after countless recommendations from friends, we finally embarked on a journey to explore this historic city.

Verona, an effortlessly navigable city, is perfect for a romantic getaway or a more extended visit of three to four days. We seamlessly included Verona in our train trip itinerary, which started in Milan and concluded in Venice.

The city offers a myriad of attractions, striking the perfect balance between variety and manageability. At the heart of these is Juliet’s balcony in Verona, a symbolic site deeply intertwined with the Romeo and Juliet narrative.

Despite its touristy reputation, visiting Juliet’s balcony remains a sentimental highlight in Verona.

Romeo and Juliet setting - romantic Verona Italy

Romeo and Juliet Setting: Romantic Verona, Italy

If you, like me, are a devotee of William Shakespeare, Verona is not just a city but a pilgrimage to the original Romeo and Juliet setting. As we dive into 2024, it’s fascinating to consider how this city has maintained its Shakespearean charm.

Interestingly, Shakespeare set a third of his plays in Italy, with his most acclaimed works rooted in Verona, as well as in nearby Padua, Venice, and Rome. While it’s a mystery if Shakespeare ever visited Italy, his vivid depiction of these locales in his plays speaks volumes about his fascination with the country.

For those keen on exploring ‘Shakespeare’s Italy’, here are some resources updated for 2024:


Juliet’s balcony Verona Italy - visit and live out your Shakespeare dreams


Juliet’s Balcony in Verona, Italy: A Shakespearean Dream Come True

Juliet’s balcony in Verona remains a magnet for romance seekers worldwide. This picturesque spot, nestled in a quaint courtyard of a 14th-century residence purported to be Juliet’s house, is an experience straight out of a Shakespearean dream.

The location gained even more fame with the 2010 film Letters to Juliet and continues to be a highlight for visitors today. The tradition of the ‘Secretaries of Juliet’, responding to heartfelt letters in multiple languages, still thrives.


Juliet’s balcony Verona - the setting for Romeo and Juliet in Italy


Juliet’s Balcony: The Heart of Romeo and Juliet’s Verona

Experiencing Juliet’s balcony is like stepping into the pages of Shakespeare’s play. For a small fee, you can ascend to the balcony, perhaps to recite a line from Romeo and Juliet or just to soak in the ambience. Don’t forget to bring a marker to leave your mark among the myriad love notes adorning the walls.

In pursuit of luck in love? Touching the right breast of Juliet’s statue beneath the balcony is said to bring good fortune in finding true love – a charming tradition that continues to captivate visitors.


An old whale bone in the medieval city centre Verona setting for Rome and Juliet


Exploring Verona’s Rich Historical Tapestry

Verona, as we discovered, is much more than just the setting of Romeo and Juliet. The city, often described as a theatre with its hills resembling rows of seats, offers a myriad of historical and cultural experiences. The Adige River meanders through the city, connecting various parts through picturesque bridges and leading to the well-preserved old town, reminiscent of a scene from a Shakespearean play.

The charm of Juliet’s balcony in Verona is just one aspect of the city’s allure. Another highlight is the vibrant Piazza delle Erbe, Verona’s old town market square. This historically rich area, adorned with ancient frescoes and exquisite architecture, continues to be a hub for locals and tourists alike.



A Glimpse into Medieval Verona

The medieval walls of Verona, meticulously maintained through the centuries, offer a glimpse into the city’s rich past. They frame the market and dining area, creating a unique blend of historical significance and modern-day leisure.

Within the square, you’ll encounter the Venetian lion, a symbol of Venice’s past rule over the city. Looking up, you’re likely to spot the famous whale rib, suspended since at least the 1700s. According to legend, it will fall only when someone who has never told a lie walks beneath it – a tale that continues to captivate visitors.


Discovering the Best of Verona

The essence of Verona lies in its ability to blend the old with the new. Strolling around the city, you are likely to be drawn to the riverbank, where you can explore the numerous bridges, old churches, and hidden corners that echo the city’s history. We found that stepping out of the main parts of the old town offers a more authentic experience, with better deals on food and coffee. Crossing one of the bridges to explore what lies on the other side is an adventure in itself.


Wonderful Verona walking tour through key sites


Verona’s Must-See Attractions

There’s no shortage of sites to explore in Verona. Some of the key attractions include:

  • Castel San Pietro, perched on a hill above the city, offering a mysterious yet inviting aura with its cypress-lined avenues and breathtaking views.
  • Piazza dei Signori, a serene square adorned with medieval arches and architecture.
  • Torre dei Lamberti, dating back to 1171, serves as a historical beacon in the city. In medieval times, its bell signaled various communal activities and emergencies.
  • Centro Storico, the shopping heart of Verona, where you can indulge in Italian fashion and other exquisite local products.
  • Basilica di San Zeno Maggiore, renowned for its Romanesque architecture and the crypt where Romeo and Juliet were said to have married.
  • Juliet’s tomb, located in a 13th-century convent, a poignant site where visitors pay homage to the tragic heroine and Shakespeare himself.


Romeo and Juliet setting - stroll through Verona at night


Verona’s Living History: The Arena and Nightlife

A highlight that continues to amaze is the Verona Arena. This 1st-century Roman amphitheatre, extraordinarily well-preserved, hosts operas and concerts, offering a unique blend of historical grandeur and modern entertainment. It’s a place where history and present-day culture coalesce, providing an unforgettable experience.


Verona Travel Tips: Making the Most of Your Visit

As travellers in Verona, we discovered that the best way to experience this historic city is by immersing yourself in its local culture and history. A great tip for modern explorers is to book a guided tour, much like we did with ‘Wonderful Verona’.

This evening walking tour, led by a knowledgeable local guide, unveiled both popular and lesser-known gems of the city, enriched by tastings of local wines. These Verona travel tips from our guide, Jessica, significantly enhanced our understanding and appreciation of Verona’s unique charm

Our ‘dream loft’ Airbnb enhanced our stay, offering a stylish and cosy retreat after our daily excursions. It’s a testament to how local accommodations can add a unique flavour to your travel experience.


Engaging with Verona’s Nightlife and Cultural Scene

To truly capture the essence of Verona, especially after sunset, we recommend exploring its vibrant nightlife. The city, illuminated under the starlit sky, transforms into a romantic backdrop straight out of a Shakespearean play. The streets come alive with locals and tourists alike, enjoying the balmy evenings at quaint cafes and lively restaurants.


Concluding Thoughts on Verona: The Eternal City of Love

As we reflect on our journey through Verona, it’s clear that this city transcends time with its enduring charm. Whether you’re a Shakespeare enthusiast, a history buff, or simply in search of romantic escapades, Verona promises an experience that intertwines the past with the present, the mythical with the real.

If you have any questions or additional tips about exploring Verona, feel free to share them in the comments below. We’d love to hear about your experiences in this timeless city!


Got questions or a tip to add? Let us know in the comments below


In this series – a week across Italy by train:

– Milan, budget travel tips

– Milan to Lake Como, via Varenna and Bellagio 

– Verona, Italy travel guide [you’re reading it]

– Milan to Venice – how to take the train

– How to find your perfect wine tasting in Italy experiences

– Why you should find a food tour in Italy

– Venice, Italy travel guide – things to know before you go

– ‘Italy by Rail’, a special travel feature in the June 2019 issue of Get it Magazine, Australia


Milan to Varenna train – How to Day Trip to Lake Como and Bellagio

Milan to Varenna train – How to Day Trip to Lake Como and Bellagio


I’ve always been enthralled by the ease and beauty of Italian train journeys. So when Cooper and I planned our trip to Italy, the Milan to Varenna train was a no-brainer for a day trip to Lake Como and Bellagio.

Let me guide you through how to make the most of this picturesque journey in 2024.



Why Take the Milan to Varenna Train Route to Lake Como?

Italy has always been a tapestry of cultural and scenic marvels. Our experience with the Milan to Varenna train route only adds to this rich fabric. Lake Como, a gem near Milan – Italy’s fashion and business hub – is an unmissable destination. Initially considering a pricey guided tour to Lake Como, we instead chose the more adventurous and budget-friendly train journey.


Choosing the train from Milan to Varenna was a decision driven by:

  • Ease of Travel: The trip from Milan Central Station to Varenna is a comfortable journey lasting just over an hour, making it the perfect choice for a day trip.
  • Affordability: At just €6.80 for a second-class one-way ticket​​, it’s a steal for the beauty you’re about to witness.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: With trains departing as early as 6:20 AM and the last one at 9:20 PM​​, you have the freedom to plan your day as you like.
  • Charming Destination: Varenna, a quaint village nestled on the shores of Lake Como, is a sight to behold and a delight to explore.


Varenna on Lake Como


How to Book and Board the Milan to Varenna Train

Booking our tickets was a breeze. We used Trenord’s efficient online service, which also offers an app to store your digital tickets. Departing from Milano Centrale, you’ll head to Varenna-Esino station. The modern rolling stock operated by Trenord ensures a smooth ride​​.

A little tip: Always book for specific times but don’t worry if you miss your train. The staff are accommodating and will usually let you board the next one. However, do give yourself extra time to navigate the stations as they can be a bit confusing with not-so-clear signage.


Varenna on Lake Como: A Serene Escape

Upon arriving at Varenna, you’re greeted with the tranquil beauty of Lake Como. This village is a perfect blend of picturesque landscapes and Italian charm. It’s just a five-minute walk from the Varenna train station to the heart of the village, making it an easily accessible spot for travellers.

Varenna, with its delightful alleyways and waterfront dining options, offers a peaceful escape from the hustle of Milan. Despite encountering a rainy day on our trip, the allure of Varenna, with its sweet winding paths and views of the lake, was undeniably charming.



Getting to Bellagio from Varenna

Often referred to as the ‘pearl of the lake’, Bellagio is a key highlight of any Lake Como itinerary. It is easily accessible from Varenna too. Our initial plan was to visit Bellagio, but the rain had other plans. So, we immersed ourselves in the beauty of Varenna instead. If you’re luckier with the weather, here’s how to get there:

  • Ferry Travel: The ferry from Varenna to Bellagio is not just a mode of transport, but a journey through the heart of Lake Como. For about €5 each way, the ferry offers frequent services, less so in winter, but still with enough options to fit your schedule. The ferry terminal, a mere five-minute walk from the Varenna train station, can’t be missed.
  • Bellagio’s Charm: Bellagio, with its cobbled lanes and elegant architecture, is a treat for the senses. It’s a place where you can experience the luxurious tranquillity of Lake Como in full.



Why Lake Como?

Lake Como, the third-largest lake in Italy’s lake district, is a 46 km long expanse of natural beauty. It’s a region where snow-capped mountains meet the mystique of a deep blue lake. Ferries glide between hills that rise like islands from the water, and colourful buildings huddle at the mountains’ base, interspersed with ancient church steeples.

The landscape here is like a living painting, with roads and rail tunnels carved into sheer rock cliffs. The waterfront is adorned with sculpted gardens, Roman statues, and water fountains, creating a serene and almost surreal atmosphere. The air is fresh, and the sense of peace is palpable. It’s a place that must be experienced to be truly understood and appreciated.


Visit Lake Como in a Day Trip from Milan

For those looking to explore beyond Varenna, Lake Como has much to offer in 2024. Here are some of the year’s unmissable experiences:

  1. Gastronomic Delights: Indulge in authentic gelato flavors at Gelab Gelateria in Como, or for a scenic treat, visit La Passerella in Varenna​​.
  2. Hiking the Sentiero del Viandante: For nature lovers, this well-marked trail offers stunning landscapes and a unique adventure along the Lecco coast of the lake​​.
  3. Tempio Voltiano: A must-visit in Como, this museum celebrates the work of Alessandro Volta and is a journey through scientific history and picturesque settings​​.


Visit Lake Como in a day trip from Milan


Exploring Varenna on a Day Trip from Milan to Lake Como

Varenna, nestled in the Lombardy region, is a jewel on the lake. With its picture-postcard beauty, this village is more than just a stop; it’s an experience. A five-minute walk from the train station leads you into its heart.

Remember to wear comfortable shoes, as the stairways in Varenna are long and steep. That said, every step is worth the stunning views you’ll encounter.

Despite our rainy day visit, the allure of Varenna remained undimmed. Its charming alleyways and waterfront dining provide a serene escape. Even under cloudy skies, the beauty of this place shines through making it a worthwhile destination in any weather.


Italian treats abound


Luxurious Moments in Bellagio and Beyond

While we embraced the quaint charm of Varenna, Bellagio is just a short ferry ride away and offers its own unique splendour. Known for its elegant atmosphere and luxurious vibe, Bellagio is a haven of cobbled lanes and sophisticated buildings. Bellagio remains a key destination on Lake Como, offering visitors a blend of natural beauty, history, and culture.

  • Villa Melzi Gardens: Explore the breath-taking botanical gardens of Villa Melzi for a small entrance fee, a testament to Bellagio’s lush beauty​​.
  • Basilica of St. Giacomo: Visit this 12th-century basilica, a historical and architectural marvel, embodying the rich cultural heritage of the region.


Italian Treats Abound

A trip to Italy is incomplete without savouring its culinary offerings. In Lake Como, this means indulging in the region’s specialty dishes and treats. Here are some must-try experiences:

  • Polenta: A staple of Lombardian cuisine, yellow polenta is a delicious dish you must try for an authentic taste of Como​​.
  • Michelin-Starred Dining: For a luxurious dining experience, visit Ristorante Sottovoce in Como, the only restaurant with a lakefront terrace on the roof, offering an exceptional culinary journey​​.


Embracing Luxury and Nature in Lake Como

Lake Como in 2024 is not just about serene landscapes and quaint villages. It is also a destination for luxury and nature. Here are some top experiences you shouldn’t miss:

  • Luxury Boat Rides: Experience the opulence of Lake Como with a luxury boat ride, a perfect choice for honeymooners or those seeking an exclusive experience​​.
  • Outdoor Activities: For a more active experience, take a stroll in the town of Menaggio, or enjoy sunbathing on the public beaches near Como​​.


A Glimpse into the Future: Sustainable Travel

As we continue our journeys, Cooper and I are increasingly aware of the importance of sustainable travel. Lake Como and its surrounding regions are treasures that we must preserve for future generations. We encourage our fellow travellers to be mindful of your environmental impact, opt for eco-friendly accommodations, and support local businesses that practice sustainability.


Wrapping Up: The Timeless Beauty of Lake Como

Lake Como, with its blend of natural splendour, historical richness, and modern luxury, remains a timeless destination. Our journey on the Milan to Varenna train was just the beginning of a memorable adventure. We hope this guide inspires you to explore this magnificent region and create your own beautiful memories.

And remember, travel is not just about the destinations; it’s about the experiences, the people you meet, and the stories you create along the way.


Questions or comments…

I hope this updated guide helps clarify any queries or concerns you may have about undertaking a self-guided day trip on the train from Milan to Lake Como. Whether it’s the charm of Varenna or the elegance of Bellagio, Lake Como offers a tranquil glimpse into the beauty of Italy.

Despite our minor hiccups with rain and train timings, our day trip was close to perfect, filled with scenic views, delightful cuisine, and the serene ambiance of the lake.

On this week-long trip across Italy, we not only discovered the quaint charm of Varenna but also experienced so much more. We continued our exploration to Verona and Venice, embracing the diversity and beauty of Italy’s landscapes and culture. Stay tuned to our blog for more insights and stories from these attractive destinations.


In this series – a week across Italy by train:

– Milan, budget travel tips

– Milan to Lake Como, via Varenna and Bellagio [you’re reading it]

– Verona, Italy travel guide

– Milan to Venice – how to take the train

– How to find your perfect wine tasting in Italy experiences

– Why you should find a food tour in Italy

– Venice, Italy travel guide – things to know before you go