Amazon Prime Day 2024 Travel Best Of!

Amazon Prime Day 2024 Travel Best Of!

We rarely post about shopping here, but once a year we celebrate – Amazon Prime Day 2024 Travel Best Of!

Shopping + nomadic travel don’t always go hand in hand. Most of us aim to shed ‘stuff’ in favour of experiences. But Amazon Prime Day is around the corner on July 16 and 17, and there are a few awesome goodies we wanted to bring to your attention that may just make your travel life better.

View our Prime Day Travel Wish List


Our Amazon Prime Day 2024 Travel Best Of Wish List

This year we plan to upgrade a few of our travel essentials including:

Prime Day Travel Live Learn 2024 Wish List


Portable power bank: to reliably keep our devices charged on the go. Something that’s perfect for long flights or days exploring off the grid.

Noise-cancelling headphones: we’re fans of Bose and Anker to block out distractions and find focus, especially when in a busy co-working café.

Travel backpack: finding a versatile, spacious, sturdy yet stylish backpack is sometimes harder than you’d think, but essential for all of us with wanderlust.

Kindle E-Reader: I had to give up a physical library long ago when moving to live and work abroad. Now my Kindle needs upgrading – 2024 may be the year!

Portable WiFi hotspot: it’s nice to never have to worry about spotty internet and online security regardless of where we roam.

Camera, lights, action, smile: you bet we are dazzled by compact cameras, bright portable lights and smooth sound! :)


Pro Amazon Prime Day Tip

If you’ve never shopped Prime Day before, you’re missing out! My top tip is to go browse Amazon now, before the Prime Day sale.

Add whatever it is you love to a wish list (here’s how to do that if you’re unsure). Then, as soon as Prime Day kicks off, go straight to your wish list to see what’s on sale and purchase if the price looks good! 

View our Prime Day Travel Wish List


What will you purchase on Prime Day?

What are your must-have travel essentials? Maybe they’re tech gadgets, sustainable products, or even items for your pets (which are also included on our wish list!)? Leave a comment and let us know what you’ll be looking out for on Amazon Prime Day this year.

Disclaimer: Some of the links here are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Here’s something I’ve never told anyone before…

Here’s something I’ve never told anyone before…

It was our first travel trip abroad, and the excitement was palpable for my brother and I. We had journeyed to North America from Australia – we were naïve (and very young) to say the least. Our itinerary of five major cities in six weeks had been inspired by our individual cultural and historical interests. Vancouver, British Columbia (BC) with its urban Canadian charm and wild, natural landscapes, was my pick. Why? Well, it was 1999 and I was in my 6th year of dedicated worship of The X-Files. This was ground zero for filming!

As a true fan who could name each of the 161 episodes to date, of course I had a list of obscure and far-flung filming destinations I insisted upon tracing. And while I did have access to the internet for my research, we certainly did not have Google Maps at our fingertips to get us around in the wintery outskirts of BC.

Still, off we went into the wilderness. Little did we know, this adventure would teach us more about the magic of serendipity than any guidebook ever could.

Armed with vague directions gleaned from an online forum, we set out on a chilly, dark winter afternoon, on a bus that I thought would take an hour, but it took two to reach our destination.

The sky was a steel grey, and the air crisp with the promise of snow. As the bus dropped us off on the edge of the forest, the real journey began. The path, initially clear and inviting, soon twisted into a maze of undergrowth and towering trees, shrouded in mist.

Winter scene at Bunzten Lake

As daylight began to fade, the realisation hit us: we were lost in the woods. The trail markers had disappeared as quickly as the light, and every turn looked ominously similar. Panic was just about to set in when we stumbled upon a clearing. Our frustrations faded away, replaced by awe, as the trees parted to reveal a scene so serene it seemed otherworldly. We had reached a place called Buntzen Lake (pictured above), a frequent filming location for The X-Files but particularly well known for two episodes I loved, One Breath and Quagmire.

Before us lay a silent lake, its surface a perfect mirror reflecting the snow-capped mountains and the deepening twilight sky. It was a scene of untouched tranquillity, the kind of place that didn’t seem like it should exist so near to a bustling city. No signs of X-Files or human presence; just pure, majestic nature.

We spent what felt like hours there in the hush of the evening, the only sounds the soft rustling of the trees and our own breaths, visible in the cold air. It was a moment of unexpected magic, a gift from the universe at a time we felt most vulnerable. We found more than what we were looking for – an enchanting spot that was the complete opposite of anything we’d known in Queensland. To us, it felt like a secret kept from the rest of the world.

The experience was so profound that we ventured back the next day, this time in the full light of day. The magic of the lake was different under the sun’s rays, but equally captivating. We explored the surrounding area, finding quaint trails and scenic vistas, each step filled with the fresh exhilaration of discovery.

Returning home, the lesson was clear: sometimes, getting lost is not a misstep, but a path to the most spectacular finds. We had set out in search of a piece of television history and ended up with a personal landmark in our hearts, a reminder of the surprises waiting off the beaten path.

Now, I share this story to remind us all: embrace the unknown with open arms. Particularly if you’re feeling unsure right now – know that the path will become clear, and sometimes the best memories – travel or otherwise – are the ones you never planned for.

Royal Garden Party attire: behind the scenes at the palace!

Royal Garden Party attire: behind the scenes at the palace!

There’s something truly magical about the Royal lifestyle, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll understand why I’m absolutely enchanted by it. My journey into this glamorous world began in 2019, when I had the incredible opportunity to attend a Royal Garden Party.

I still remember the excitement, the preparation for the event, and the awe-inspiring feeling of being part of something so grand and traditional. It was not just an event; it was a memory etched in time.

Fast forward to 2024, and the allure of these Royal Garden Parties, now under the reign of King Charles, has grown even more. It’s like stepping into a page of history, yet each year brings its own contemporary twist, especially in terms of fashion. Let’s dive into what it takes to dress for such a prestigious event, blending the time-honoured traditions with the vibrant pulse of current fashion trends.

Dates for this year’s parties are:

  • Wednesday 8 May Buckingham Palace
  • Tuesday 21 May Buckingham Palace
  • Tuesday 2 July Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh



Fashion Forward: The 2024 Guide to Royal Garden Party Attire

When dressing for a Royal Garden Party, the aim is to strike a perfect balance between formality and the latest fashion. It’s about respecting the grandeur of the palace and its traditions while showcasing a bit of your own personality and style.


For Women:

  • The Dress Code: Classic choices like a formal day dress or a sophisticated skirt and blouse combo are ideal. However, the length should be modest, keeping in line with the event’s decorum.
  • 2024 Trends: This year, we’re seeing a stunning trend of bold florals, especially intricate rose patterns and three-dimensional embellishments. Adding metallic touches to your outfit is also a stylish nod to contemporary fashion.
  • Color and Style: While revealing outfits are a no-go, all-white ensembles have emerged as a trendy yet elegant choice. Sleeveless or off-the-shoulder dresses, if styled tastefully, can be a great option. And don’t forget, a chic hat or fascinator is a must – maybe even with some playful fringe accents!


For Men:

  • Dress Code Essentials: A well-fitted suit or a blazer with trousers is the standard. Opt for lighter shades like grey or beige to keep things fresh and in tune with the season.
  • Embracing the Trends: This year, the ‘eclectic grandpa’ style is making waves. Think classic loafers or a tastefully patterned sweater. If you’re aiming for a more relaxed vibe, pair a preppy polo or rugby shirt with your blazer.
  • Modern Twists: While traditional attire like a morning coat is still in play, don’t be afraid to experiment. Stylish loafers, and even more adventurous footwear choices that blend elegance with comfort, can set you apart.

Here’s how we addressed it:


Understanding the Day Dress Code at Buckingham Palace

While embracing 2024’s fashion trends, it’s essential to respect the specific “day dress code” required at Buckingham Palace for Royal Garden Parties.

For Women: Opt for elegant day dresses, preferably knee-length or longer, that align with the Palace’s decorum. Incorporate contemporary trends like bold florals or subtle metallics to add a modern flair.

For Men: The day dress code calls for a suit or a smart blazer and trousers. Traditional colors are a safe bet, but lighter shades or subtle patterns can offer a stylish, contemporary edge.


Practical Tips for a Flawless Royal Garden Party Experience


Comfort Meets Style: Practical Considerations

  • Footwear: Choosing the right shoes is crucial. For ladies, the chunky heels of 2019 have given way to the chic and comfortable kitten heels in 2024, perfect for gracefully navigating the garden terrain. For gentlemen, stylish loafers or comfortable dress shoes are ideal.
  • Dressing for the Weather: The English weather is nothing if not unpredictable. Lightweight, airy dresses are perfect for warmer days, while adding a stylish blazer or a light jacket can prepare you for a cooler turn in the weather. Men can opt for breathable fabrics in their suits to stay comfortable.


Colour and Trend Insights:

  • Bold and Bright: This year, it’s all about embracing vibrant colors. Gone are the days of sticking solely to navy, black, or grey. A boldly printed dress or a brightly colored suit can make a fantastic fashion statement.
  • Shimmer and Shine: The ‘heavy metals’ trend is in, allowing you to incorporate shimmering elements into your attire, adding a touch of glamour and helping you stand out in the most sophisticated way.

The Art of Dressing for the Occasion:

Remember, the essence of Royal Garden Party attire is finding that sweet spot between formal and fashionable. It’s about dressing respectfully for the occasion while still injecting your unique style into your outfit. The key is to respect the tradition but also embrace the new – blending the old with the new is what 2024 is all about!


A Royal garden party invitation - hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Copyright

Image courtesy


Got any questions or need more tips on Royal events or fashion? I’m always here to share insights and advice.

Drop a comment, and let’s keep the conversation going. Your curiosity and engagement are what drive this community of royal fashion enthusiasts. Let’s explore this glamorous world together!


More information:

Keep an eye on the Royal website for updates on events in 2024.

Is there any other information you’d like to see covered about Royal events? Let us know and we’ll find out more. We’d love to hear from you – please do drop us a line in the comments.




Celebrating creative women photo feature

Celebrating creative women photo feature

International Women’s Day (IWD) is on the horizon, so it seems timely to pay homage to the wonderful creative women in the world who continue to inspire through their work. Photographers, writers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, leaders and more: you absolutely inspire me.

To celebrate IWD, Tuesday 8 March, photos by female photographers have been released from the CEWE Photo Award, and some have been shared with us to showcase to you!

The CEWE Photo Award is one of the world’s largest photo competitions, and invites submissions in some of my favourite categories including travel, animals, architecture, landscapes and food.

Travel and culture category three young children walk along a uniquely structured building in Myanmar, photographed by Laura Menesini

Travel and culture category: three young children walk along a uniquely structured building in Myanmar, photographed by Laura Menesini

People category A woman in traditional celebration festival attire admires her reflection in a mirror as the sun sets in Venice, by Mia Feres

People category: A woman in traditional celebration festival attire admires her reflection in a mirror as the sun sets in Venice, by Mia Feres


The beautiful thing about this award is that an opportunity is open for all creatives at any level, from amateur to established professionals.

Entrants were asked to submit photos that celebrated the competition’s ‘Our World is Beautiful’ theme.

The images showcased here are some of the best from the wonderful creative women who submitted their work. It really makes me want to dust off my EOS and get back out there.

Animal category a curious pup takes a closer look at a purple flower on its daily walk through the park in Austria, photographed by Corinna Kobliska

Animal category: a curious pup takes a closer look at a purple flower on its daily walk through the park in Austria, photographed by Corinna Kobliska

Food and cooking category a selection of jam shortbread biscuits are ready to make the perfect afternoon snack, by Laura Amos in Heilbronn, Germany

Food and cooking category: a selection of jam shortbread biscuits are ready to make the perfect afternoon snack, by Laura Amos in Heilbronn, Germany

Nature category early morning dew graces a plant as the light of day shines through, by Viktoria Smid in Hungary

Nature category: early morning dew graces a plant as the light of day shines through, by Viktoria Smid in Hungary


If you’re a creative woman like me, and an aspiring photographer, pop in your diary to keep an eye out for this year’s CEWE Photo Award opportunity. It will return for a fifth year in the UK’s springtime.

Feature image at top- Hobby and leisure category: in Krakow, a young girl dances with a pony in this magical fairytale-esque shot by Laura Domagata

For more information about the CEWE Photo Award visit:

Right time right place – the science of perfect timing

Right time right place – the science of perfect timing

I recently picked up a copy of Daniel Pink’s excellent read, When. An excellent book that explores the science of perfect timing. How do we get it perfect? Can we manifest a ‘right time, right place’ scenario?

Among its numerous lessons, the book teaches how to get the most out of your morning coffee and breaks during the workday. Plus, the importance of understanding your own chronotype (that is when you are most energetic and lethargic each day).

Interest piqued?


Do we overemphasise endings?

One concept, in particular, made me think: his discussion about how as a society we tend to overemphasise the importance of endings.

Studies show that when we face an ending of some sort (including people falling into an age that has a 9 on the end of it, me when I wrote this). This tendency is to display extreme behaviour like choosing to take unnecessary risks or sabotaging relationships.

The psychology of it indicates we are innately grasping for a happy ending. And not just happy, but purposeful.

When references films like Pixar’s Up that perfectly capture the essence of this human condition. These movies make us cry while feeling sentimental at the same time.

Pink explains that in knowing this about ourselves, we can take steps to make our endings more gratifying.


Have a chat with your future self

A beautiful example of how to do this, is sending a message to your future self.

  • This might be a letter, vlog, blog or audio recording. Whatever format, put it away for five years.
  • The proposition made me a little teary.
  • What would I tell my future self?
  • I think I would start by saying I hope she lets loved ones know they are valued – always (and that she’s continued to do better on that front, as I intend to do from now on).
  • I want her to live without regret, anger and bitterness – good lives are wasted on such things.
  • I do hope she drinks less wine (possibly).
  • There should be dogs, everywhere.
  • And music, plus adventure.

I’d say that I hope she’s invested in creativity and travel; to remember that life has taught that things do get better; bring the light, be the light and look for it in others.

That’s all served me well so far. Finally, I would include a quote from, because it’s perfect:

‘Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself’.

This is the abridged version, and I’m not sure what I’ll think of it in 2023.

Perhaps I’ll be moved by the experience and progress made. Or sadly by naivety, disappointments not yet known, and challenges overcome.


Your time is now

When advocates that action like this serves to bridge the gap between past and present, this is one of the best ways to find substance in our own lives.

‘Living in the moment’ is all the rage (and it’s no secret that I fly the mindfulness flag, it’s important).

However, Pink made me think about the feeling of satisfaction that’s possible when ‘me now’ feels close to ‘me’ past and future.

This exercise removes the detachment we feel from the future self and enables us to make better choices that help her/him when that future arrives.

‘Time’ is complicated in terms of life, love and the dreams we envision, and many of us know a soul or two who have detrimentally gotten lost in it.

I hope I can impart to you some timeless insight which I took from Pink’s work; that is, by taking control of our time, and understanding how our past, present and future relate, we can vastly improve our experiences now.

Think I’ll include that wisdom in my note to future me too. But for now, over to you…

How do you see it? Share in the comments below.

8 vlogs & blogs about lifestyle that inspire us in 2021

8 vlogs & blogs about lifestyle that inspire us in 2021

We’re asked frequently who we love to watch/read online, so we had a think about our faves in 2021 and have compiled our top 8 vlogs and blogs about lifestyle for you right here!

If you were following us back in 2020, you’ll know we had started to make positive strides on our video work. We documented the ins and outs of house and pet sitting around the world and showcased many beautiful destinations.

It was a pleasure and a privilege.

Sadly, it all came to an end. But we know that many of you reading this have also been impacted by all that the COVID pandemic has shut down. Not a great time to be a content creator in the travel business.

All of the time and learning we put into our content hasn’t gone astray though, and it’s for this reason we love to find vlogs and blogs about lifestyle that keep us coming back for more. There’s been a few standouts for us in 2021.

Here are our favourites in case you’re in need of a little fresh inspiration too.

8 vlogs and blogs about lifestyle that keep us inspired in 2021 :)


For travel inspo:

📽 LeAw Leave Everything and Wander: Luca & Sara

We stumbled across this travel blogging couple by accident, but we just love their content. Sara and Luca are Italian, and they are so so cute. Their channel features an enviable line-up of destinations and experiences, and we have been making our way through their travel playlist.

Most recently, the pair were showcasing the delights on offer in their home country, Italy, where they ended up laying low during the worst of COVID.

Sara and Luca are authentic and likeable. Their video production is terrific too, and includes stunning drone shots, great editing, and soundtrack. The pair also publish a beautiful blog and are all over social media.

If you, like us, are wanderlusting like crazy to set foot back into a dazzling Italian landscape, take a ride with these two in their travel van, Luigi, and get inspired about where to go to next.


Island life (our fave island)

📽 Dwayne Muffin in Ibiza

We make no secret of the fact we are huge fans of the island of Ibiza in Spain. In fact, it maddens us that people who have never been to Ibiza have a preconception of what the island is.

Sure, there’s partying (hell yeah); but there’s a magical and mysterious side to this place too.

Dwayne is an English lad living the dream and actually residing and working in Ibiza full time. While the pandemic has hit his business hard – along with many in tourist destinations like Ibiza and its neighbouring Balearic Islands – Dwayne has taken the opportunity to give regular vlogging a go. And hey, are we grateful! If we can’t be there, we’ll wander around the bars and the beaches and boats here on YouTube, living vicariously through Dwayne.

Thanks to his time on the island living and working with the locals, he also gets some cool behind the scenes glimpses into venues and events that most of us wouldn’t.

A great channel if you’re a fan of Ibiza (or think you might be one day).


Expat entrepreneur life

Mike Thurston

We first stumbled across Mike’s channel when he filmed his 2020 summer in Ibiza. Man, were we jealous. All the pretty shots and the pretty people and pretty places. Jealous.

But we moved past that to see that actually, we wanted in on more of this vicarious adventuring.

Mike has an enviable life brimming with travel, a successful business, a new fitness app, and plenty of time at the gym. To be fair, he does work hard (on his business and abs) but he seems like a nice guy with fun friends… who wouldn’t get motivated through watching?

He’s just spent another highly enviable summer in Ibiza and has returned to his adopted home of Dubai to get to work again. It’s glossy and fun – count us in.


Manifesting and LOA

📽 Mary Kate

Want to shift your mindset to improve your circumstances?

Believe you can manifest the best things in life?

Me too!

While there are hundreds of manifesting and Law of Attraction content creators and mentors out there, for some reason this year I’ve really been drawn to Mary Kate’s channel.

She’s passionate and interesting, yet humble and not over the top like some other names in this space are. I just like her vibe and I think she’s doing a great job at influencing in this space.

Her training and meditations are helpful too. I’d say her work would resonate mostly with women under the age of 45, but if you’re into the topics she covers, take a look and see for yourself.


Fashion and beauty

📽 Busbee Style

I’ve got to say, I’m super behind the times following YouTubers for fashion and beauty content. I’m a ‘magazines’ girl of old. But, I somehow stumbled across Erin Busbee’s channel and have been hooked ever since.

A former TV news reporter turned stylist and fashion content creator, Erin’s approach is engaging and honest, not to mention really informative. I had to leave my entire wardrobe of clothes, accessories and shoes behind in England, and my enthusiasm to start again in a hot climate that I do not enjoy as much as I do one with four seasons was seriously lacking.

But, Erin’s helped make shopping fun again!

She’s got a great blog and Instagram you can follow too.

Currently she and her family are taking time out from life and work at home in the USA to live in Spain. Another reason why I think Erin is just too cool.


Puppy love (and training!)

📽 Zac George

Call it a midlife crisis, or more like a COVID crisis, but we went and got a puppy!


Yep, we decided that after years of being without a dog – stalking dogs in the street and on the Tube in London, saying hello to everyone else’s dog and generally wanting nothing more than a dog – this little man arrived 👇


Now, he had a lot to live up to. Our last dog, Harry, a blue cattle dog, was a prince among dogs. He was beloved by all – even non-dog people. The best dog ever.

London – named after our much-loved adopted home in England, is a West Highland Terrier. When he was a puppy, we’d frequently change the ‘terrier’ to terror. Wow. Puppies might be cute but there’s an evil streak in there 😉

Which brings us to Zak’s channel. We got obsessed with this personable dog trainer’s channel before the puppy ‘arrived’ and during his first few months. Everything on routine and crate training and all in between was spot on.

This channel is a great one if you’re looking for actionable advice on all sorts of dog behavioural challenges and training. It’s also great if you’re quite simply, a dog person. We do owe Zak a debt of gratitude for getting this far with the cheeky Westie though. 


Travel and content creation

Two of our favourite channels for content creation and travel follow:

📽 Lost LeBlanc

Stunning filming, editing, locations and great advice on content creation: we love this channel.

Christian (Lost LeBlanc) is literally living the dream. His ‘about’ profile says:

“QUIT my job to travel the world. This is my story of unconditionally pursuing my passion for filmmaking and travel.”

You see why we’re in, right?


📽 TopJaw

These guys create awesome productions from locations we love in the UK and Europe. More enviably, they focus on food and drink!

Each location is brimming with dozens of great places to eat through all day long. We started keeping a bucket list based on their recommendations but gave up – there’s too many.

We’ll come back to it when we hit the northern hemisphere once again.

A great, lively and channel – easy to binge.


Who are your favourite content creators? Let us know in the comments!