Dog Friendly Travel in Spain: A Pawesome 2024 Guide

Dog Friendly Travel in Spain: A Pawesome 2024 Guide

As passionate pet parents, we know the guilt of leaving our furry friends behind when we set off on a holiday. It tugs at our heartstrings every time. But what if we told you that dog friendly travel in Spain is more than just a dream?

Spain is one of our very favourite destinations! And, it has emerged as a hotspot for those of us wanting to embark on memorable journeys with our four-legged pals. So, let’s dive deep into the world of canine-approved Spanish getaways!


Why choose Spain for your pet-inclusive vacation?

We’ve always believed that holidays are better when shared with our loyal companions. Some of our best memories are in Byron Bay, Australia, and Margate, UK, when we could take our little London dog Westie with us!

A recent survey by Statista reveals we’re not alone in this sentiment. Did you know that 56% of UK travellers prefer holidays with their pets? And the reason is clear: it makes the holiday even more special.

Thanks to Spain-Holiday and Holidu’s recent insights, we’ve uncovered some of Spain’s top destinations that roll out the red carpet for our dogs.


Holiday Homes: A Perfect Stay for You and Your Pooch

If you’re all about comfort and convenience when travelling with your pet, holiday homes in Spain should be on your radar. With 27% of these homes being pet-friendly, Spain is leading the way compared with its European neighbours like Greece and Portugal. Particularly, if you’re heading to the north, Castilla y León proudly boasts 41% of pet-accommodating holiday rentals.


Spanish Beach Holidays with Your Loyal Companion

Dreaming of sunbathing alongside your pup? Spain’s costas are a paradise for dog lovers.

The Costa del Azahar shines as a top pick with nearly half of its holiday rentals being pet-friendly. Imagine strolling along Blue Flag beaches in lovely towns like Peñiscola and Benicassim with your furry mate! But the list doesn’t end there; Costa Brava and Costa del Maresme are also buzzing with pet-friendly spots, making beach getaways a breeze.


Sunny Escapes Tailored for Your Pet

Winter blues? Escape to Spain’s sun-drenched coasts with your pet! Top recommendations for autumn/winter 2023, and coming into 2024 are Calpe, Benidorm, and Javea on the Costa Blanca. Not only are these destinations pet-accommodating, but they also promise Spain’s mildest winter climates.


Affordable Adventures with Your Four-Legged Friend

Looking for a budget-friendly holiday without compromising on the fun? Torrevieja offers fantastic deals, especially during autumn and winter. With a variety of pet-friendly accommodations, you and your dog can enjoy Spain without burning a hole in your pocket.

However, if luxury is what you’re after, Barcelona, Javea, and Palma de Mallorca are the ritzy options to consider.

map of Spain


Dog friendly travel in Spain is more than a trend – it’s a movement we’re wholeheartedly embracing. As we pack our bags (and doggy treats), we hope you’ll join us on this delightful journey through Spain’s pet-loving landscapes.

Got any other tips, or questions? Please let us know in the comments below :)





House sitting tips – how to become a PAID house sitter [2024 guide!]

House sitting tips – how to become a PAID house sitter [2024 guide!]

Hey there, fellow travellers and aspiring house sitters! It’s Sarah here, bringing you the freshest insights in our how to become a paid house sitter – 2024 guide.

If you’ve finally decided to turn your passion for house sitting into a thriving business, you’re in the right place. Transitioning from free house sitting to a paid role is a journey filled with learning, growth, and exciting House Sitting Opportunities.

But don’t worry, you’re not alone on this journey. We’ve combined our years of experience with the collective wisdom of our house sitting community on YouTube and Facebook to give you a comprehensive step-by-step guide.

This guide is all about making that pivotal transition with confidence and savvy.


How to become a PAID house sitter: complete guide!


Step 1: Gain Experience and Build a Reputation

I get it, you’re eager to start earning as a house sitter. But remember, every seasoned professional began somewhere, and often, that’s with volunteering. Yes, I’m talking about initially house sitting for free.

It’s a tried and tested pathway for many in our community, and it’s a valuable step in creating a legitimate business.

But here’s a little twist: while you might not be getting paid in cash, you’re gaining something priceless – experience and credibility.

Our own journey in London was a springboard for us. We started with two simple desires: to spend time with pets (we missed having our own furry friends) and to explore new neighbourhoods.


TrustedHousesitters was our gateway to amazing adventures, connections with wonderful pets and people, and it helped us build the reputation we needed to eventually charge for our services.

By offering your house sitting services in any form, you’re building a solid foundation for your future house sitting business. Whether you’re setting up a pet care business in your locality or planning to travel for house sits, gaining a diverse range of experiences is key.

And here’s a Professional House Sitter Tip: If you’re focusing on pet care in your local area, it’s often easier to start charging right away. Many pro house sitters use a hybrid model: they commit to longer ‘free’ sits through platforms like TrustedHousesitters for the experience, but charge for shorter, local stays.


Collect References

No matter where you sit, always ask for references or testimonials after each assignment. This is crucial for validating your services. Capture those special moments (with permission, of course) and build a portfolio that showcases your reliability and love for pets. Whether it’s through a personal website, blog, or digital storytelling tools like Adobe Spark, a well-crafted portfolio is your ticket to standing out in the House Sitting Services Marketing sphere.



Step 2: Create an Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is a game-changer, especially if you’re keen on expanding your house sitting services beyond your local neighborhood.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – do I really need a website or a blog? While it’s not mandatory, especially if you’re thriving on word-of-mouth in your community, having a digital space of your own can significantly boost your reach and credibility. And trust me, this becomes increasingly important if you plan to travel and house sit in different locations.

Your online presence, whether it’s a blog like ours, a website, or even a digital showcase, should highlight a few key things:

  • Your services: Be clear about what you offer.
  • Your experience: Show off those testimonials and references.
  • Contact information: Make it easy for potential clients to reach you.
  • Fees: This is crucial. As a pet owner myself, I appreciate transparency in pricing.


If social media is your thing, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube are incredible for promoting your services. The key here is to be authentic and true to your style.

Remember, you can’t sell a secret, so talking about your services is a must to grow your house sitting business.

Joining house sitting sites, both free and paid, like TrustedHousesitters and Rover, can also significantly enhance your digital footprint. It’s all about getting your name out there in the world of house sitting opportunities.

There is a comprehensive list of sites and services featured in our training – grab it for just $2.50 here!


13 things house and pet sitters much know


Step 3: Set Your Rates

Let’s talk money – setting your rates is a crucial part of professionalizing your house sitting services. Research is key here. Understand what other house sitters in your area are charging and set competitive rates. As of 2024, here’s a little insight into the current House Sitting Rates 2024:

  • In major UK cities like London, rates range from £50 to £60 per night.
  • For a professional house sitting service, the basic daily rate is around £60, increasing to £70 for shorter assignments.
  • The minimum cost for hiring a homesitter through a professional service can be upwards of £80.40 per day.

These rates are just a guideline and can vary based on your location, experience, and the services you offer.

Create a Pricing Structure

Develop a clear pricing structure considering location, duration, and additional services like pet care or gardening. If you’re based in one place, consider offering packages tailored to different needs – basic house sitting, house sitting with pet care, drop-in day visits, dog walking, etc. But remember, don’t overcommit. Balancing your ethics with income is crucial, especially when a living soul (like a pet) is involved.

For those traveling, consider offering daily or nightly rates, long-term discounted rates, and rates for additional services. Your financial goals should dictate your pricing strategy – plan backwards from your desired income to ensure sustainability and profitability in your house sitting business.

Important to note: if you are turning house sitting into a business, manage home owners expectations up front. Share your fees, own your worth.

Great tips and more info here :)



Step 4: Market Your Services

As you step into the world of professional house sitting, let’s dive into one of the most crucial aspects – House Sitting Services Marketing. I’ve seen some incredible networking by pro house and pet sitters, and here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Networking: The good old-fashioned in-person approach works wonders, especially if you’re focusing locally. Attend community events, join local groups, and spread the word about your services.
  • Word of Mouth: It’s a powerful tool! Encourage satisfied clients to refer you to their friends and family.
  • Online Advertising: If your business is mainly local, consider using online advertising platforms like Facebook ads or Google ads to target potential clients in your area.

Creative marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. Simple tactics like putting up posters at local dog parks or distributing flyers can effectively capture your target market.

For those targeting international house sits, your online presence becomes even more vital. Engage in community groups, especially in the areas you’re interested in, like Los Angeles or other major cities. Be an active participant in house sitting and digital nomad groups. Share valuable insights and tips, and occasionally let others know about your services and availability.

✨Our podcast guests, Kate and Dave, have been house sitting long term for over nine years and they shared some amazing advice for how and where to find sits. Here’s what they said:


Step 5: Communicate Clearly with Clients

Clear communication is key in any business, and the house sitting business is no exception. Setting and agreeing on clear expectations upfront is essential.

This includes discussing your services, rates, and any additional charges. Draft a house sitting agreement outlining the terms and conditions, responsibilities, and payment details. This will not only professionalize your services but also protect both you and the homeowner.

Remember, not everyone will be comfortable paying for house sitting services, and that’s okay. Focus on clients who value and are willing to pay for your services. As in any line of work, owning your worth is crucial.



Step 6: Provide Excellent Service

This step is non-negotiable, whether you’re sitting for free or transitioning to paid services. Treating every assignment with professionalism and respect is paramount. Go the extra mile – leave the house cleaner than you found it, provide regular updates on pets, and show genuine care and attention.

In our own experience as sitters, we’ve seen how going above and beyond sets you apart and leads to repeat invitations, even when you start charging. Remember, successful House Sitting Opportunities rely heavily on trust and reliability. Your dedication to providing top-notch service will reflect in your reputation and client satisfaction.


Step 7: Review and Adjust

One of the best practices in running a successful house sitting business is regularly reviewing and adjusting your approach. This is crucial for staying current with the House Sitting Opportunities 2024. Evaluate your business’s progress periodically and assess whether you’re meeting your income goals. You might find that your rates need adjusting, or perhaps there’s room to expand your services.

This ongoing review process also involves keeping up with the latest trends and demands in the house sitting market. For example, as we move into 2024, staying informed about the evolving needs of homeowners and adapting your services accordingly can make a significant difference.


Step 8: Manage Your Finances

Now, onto the nitty-gritty of finances. As your house sitting transitions from a casual arrangement to a more structured business, keeping accurate records of your earnings and expenses becomes vital.

If it’s within your means, consider consulting a financial planner or accountant. They can provide invaluable advice, ensuring your business’s financial health and helping you navigate tax implications.

A crucial part of financial management is setting aside a portion of your earnings for taxes. Since you’re not a traditional employee, this aspect of financial planning is something you’ll need to handle proactively. Remember, investing in your business, whether it’s in marketing, professional development, or other areas, is part of fostering growth and sustainability.



Step 9: Insurance and Professional Cover

As a professional house sitter, it’s wise to consider getting professional cover and insurance. This aspect is particularly important in the UK, where many house sitters invest in a DBS check (a police background check) and personal indemnity insurance. If you’re offering pet care services, getting pet first aid certifications can also boost your credibility.

The need for professional cover can vary depending on where you’re operating or the types of services you’re offering. But as a rule of thumb, it’s always better to be prepared and covered. This not only provides peace of mind for you but also for your clients, who are entrusting you with their homes and beloved pets.


Embracing the Journey Ahead

As you embark on this journey to becoming a professional house sitter, remember that every step, every sit, and every connection you make is a part of your growth. The world of House Sitting Opportunities is dynamic and full of potential. With the right approach and a bit of savvy, you can turn this passion into a profitable and fulfilling career.

Expand Your Horizons

In 2024, the scope for house sitting has widened significantly. We’re seeing more people than ever opening their homes to house sitters, not just for pet care but for the peace of mind that comes with having a trusted person looking after their property. This increase in demand is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to establish themselves in the house sitting business.


Stay Informed and Adaptive

The key to success in this industry is staying informed and adaptive. Keep up with the latest trends in house sitting, be it new platforms, changing homeowner preferences, or evolving House Sitting Rates 2024. Being adaptable also means being open to opportunities in different locations, types of homes, and pet care requirements.


Building Relationships

Remember, at the heart of house sitting is the relationship you build with homeowners and their pets. Trust, reliability, and communication are the pillars of these relationships. Your ability to connect with homeowners and understand their needs will set you apart in the world of House Sitting Services Marketing.


Leverage Technology

In this digital age, leveraging technology can give you a significant advantage. Whether it’s managing bookings, promoting your services, or staying connected with clients, technology can streamline your operations and enhance your efficiency. Don’t shy away from using digital tools and platforms that can elevate your business.


Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Lastly, cultivating a growth mindset is crucial. See every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. Whether it’s dealing with an unexpected situation during a sit or learning new ways to market your services, approach these experiences with a positive and growth-oriented mindset.


Wrapping It Up

As we wrap up this Paid House Sitting Guide 2024, remember that building a successful house sitting business takes time, patience, and persistence. Keep honing your skills, delivering quality service, and effectively marketing your services. Soon, you’ll find yourself reaping the rewards of your hard work – the freedom to work on your terms, spending time with adorable pets, and exploring new places.

Stay connected with our community for more tips, advice, and shared experiences. We’re all in this exciting journey together!


Top links:

  1. Subscribe for more inspiration on YouTube: Travel Live Learn
  2. FREE TRAINING – 4 part email series House Sitting 101 – get yours here!
  3. Get amongst our travel community on Facebook: here


Questions or comments? Other advice to share? Let us know – drop us a line below.





Travelling with a dog internationally – 5 things you MUST know

Travelling with a dog internationally – 5 things you MUST know

We very recently relocated back to the UK from Australia and we experienced travelling with a dog internationally for the first time. Earlier in February, we documented what we knew to that point before our little London dog had been allocated his flight to England.

You can read about it or watch the video here.

To find out about the visas we secured to live and work in the UK, you can read more here.

If you’re planning to travel with your beloved dog overseas and like us, you’re unable to bring him/her on the plane with you, please read on for our experience and advice!

There’s so much planning and preparation you need to do. This (American based) advice is helpful. Similarly there’s further useful information on this post from Going.


Travelling with your dog internationally

We won’t lie, the experience was VERY hard on all of us. We wanted to create a follow-up piece to share what we learned and what we wish we had known when it came to transporting our dog, London, from Australia to the UK.

See the full story, press play:


Covered in the video: our top 5 learnings and warnings!

  1. Learning: information about flight schedules may be illusive 
  2. Warning: Your pet’s itinerary may change at the last minute
  3. Warning: Ensure you can get in contact with everyone involved
  4. Learning: Be unapologetic about asking for more information and photos
  5. Warning: Check your pet’s health when you are reunited.


Global travel with your dog: final thoughts

After two weeks, we can report that London is starting to settle. He’s definitely exhibiting some anxious behaviours that he didn’t previously have, but with lots of love, cuddles and implementation of a positive routine, we can see he’s coming back to his old self.

There’s no getting around the fact that travelling with a dog in cargo on a long haul trip is not ideal. We found it harrowing, actually. But if you want your pet to join you if you are moving abroad, there is no other option in many cases. 

We hope you find our experience and learnings helpful. Most important for us to impart is to dig deep, ask LOTS of questions about potential itinerary and take your decision from there.

We’d love to hear from you – let us know your thoughts or questions in the comments below.


International pet travel: how to transport your dog overseas in 5 steps

International pet travel: how to transport your dog overseas in 5 steps

Overseas pet travel isn’t as easy as we’d like it to be, particularly when you’re flying a route like Australia to England. But, we’re about to head off on another adventure to the UK, and we will take our little Westie, London, with us.

To find out about the visas we secured to live and work in the UK, you can read more here.

How simple is planning overseas pet travel?

I think the best way to describe the planning is that it is a process.

It’s all possible, but there’s a number of considerations to take into account. This means ideally you would give yourself six months or more to plan. Between the time we discovered we had the opportunity to move back to the UK and the time we needed to fly, we actually didn’t have six months. Together with our trusted vet and a pet carrier, we have made it work though.

If you are planning to relocate to another country, maybe our process and information can help you.


5 steps to move a dog overseas


1. Talk to a trusted vet

The first port of call for us when planning to relocate London dog overseas with us was to speak to our vet. Our lovely vet Kirsty from Toowong Family vet in Brisbane, has known London since he was a wee puppy. She’s an excellent vet, so we booked a consult with her, primarily to speak about:

– the travel process and London’s general health for such a journey
– gauging and managing his anxiety in a new situation such as long distance flying.

Kirsty checked London over and we chatted about his age and health. We determined that he is ok to fly.

The big one for us though is the lengthy flight(s) itself. In the past, sometimes dogs were sedated so they would sleep. It’s been deemed that that this is not safe, so sedation is not an option. Kirsty talked us through a program for managing London’s anxiety, which began a few weeks ago and will continue into when he is settling into his new home in the Northern Hemisphere.

Talk to your vet about options that may suit your beloved fur baby.



2. Choose an accredited pet carrier

We researched several major international pet carriers operating in Australia and sought quotes from each. After having a conversation with each and comparing quotes, we ended up making a decision based on the itinerary available to London.

While it is possible to fly London from Brisbane to London, the routes recommended by some carriers meant that he would not leave his crate for around 24 hours. We chose Petraveller based on reviews and because they suggested a route that – while longer in terms of the amount of time we are separated – it seemed fairer on him to have more breaks.

Choosing a pet carrier is a BIG decision. It’s very expensive no matter how you look at it, and we know London’s life and wellbeing is being placed in their hands. There’s a lot of trust and faith involved. We will keep you posted on the outcome. At time of posting, London is set to begin his journey in a week’s time.

Pet friendly experiences in Byron Bay


3. Consult with your chosen pet carrier to find out about the process involved in taking your dog overseas

The next most important conversation we had after the one with our vet, was the one with our chosen pet carrier. Over the duration of one or two chats, a few things were explained to us:

  • time frames and action items for us
  • costs
  • the importance of securing a rabies vaccination immediately for London dog – in Australia, the rabies vaccine is often in short supply and only some vets administer it, so get your pet sorted straight away if you intend to fly in the coming year
  • application for a Transfer of Residency to the UK so we could avoid import fees for London
  • preparing London for travel before, during and after the journey
  • the airline application process which meant we had to choose a date range for London to travel – the application is lodged around the 15th of each month and your pet’s travel itinerary is only confirmed in the last week of each month
  • considerations around where London would stay should we need to fly out first, or where he would go if he arrived in the UK first.


Watch the video for full details and our experience with these action points.


@houseandpetsitting Announcement: we’re moving abroad again + taking our dog! #dogstravel #traveltok #traveldiaries ♬ original sound – Freedom and Four Paws


London was eventually allocated a flight itinerary that will see him fly out of Melbourne on a Monday evening. He will arrive in Dubai and stay at a pet hotel to recover a little, then will fly into Gatwick airport in England, arriving the same day as us (a Thursday morning). Unfortunately, due to the flight going out on Monday, he will be flown to Melbourne on the Friday and will stay in a pet hotel before having his final vet checks and then leaving the country.

Yes, it is very stressful.


4. Book a rabies vaccination

It’s important to note that if you’re flying your pet internationally from Australia, they will need a rabies vaccine. There is absolutely no way they can fly without it.

In Australia, the vaccine is known to often be in short supply. At the time we started looking for it, none was available. We waited anxiously for a few weeks, and after putting our name on the list at multiple vets in the whole of south-east Queensland, we eventually got a call from Kalinga Park Vet who sorted us out.

You’ll be given a certificate by the vet who administers this. Keep it safe as you’ll need to share it several times during the process with your pet carrier.


5. Crate train your dog for overseas travel

A crate will be sent to you by your pet carrier. The size will depend on dimensions you provide and guidance is given about how to measure for this.

Give your pooch as much time crate training for travel as possible.

London never had a worry in his crate – he loved it and we crate trained him as a puppy. BUT he’s never had the door closed and didn’t like it. Some excellent advice on a process was shared with us from our vet. Similar advice is present on the internet.

  1. Make the crate fun: put treats, toys and food in and around it. Gradually introduce your pet to his/her crate.
  2. Ensure the crate is comfortable for sleeping. London has a favourite bed that we put inside – he takes himself into the crate to sleep at night. We did reward this at the beginning with treats.
  3. Start to get him/her used to travel. We put his crate in the car and went for drives of varying length. At first London didn’t like the change, but he got used to it and now sits calmly in his crate.
  4. As time goes by, see if you can find a ‘noisier’ vehicle like a van or 4WD to put the crate in, so your pup gets used to louder sounds.
  5. And if possible, put your pet into their crate and get someone else to go for a drive with them. When you show up on the other side, he/she will associate the experience with you eventually showing up to meet them.



The nerves are real

I’m not going to lie – we’re nervous about this.

The leg between Australia and Dubai is 14 hours. Then London stays in a new country in the middle of the world overnight. Following is 9 hours to Gatwick in his crate. He then remains in his create as he is processed through customs which could be a few hours. Petraveller’s partner over in the UK will let him out for a walk and toilet break before he then is transported to where we are staying.

Our vet told us that he won’t love it, but that he will be ok.

We will report back: I’m sure there’ll be tears on all fronts. But it will be worth it in the end ❤️

How to House Sit With Your Own Pet in 2024

How to House Sit With Your Own Pet in 2024

If you’re keen to get back on the travel trail, but don’t want to leave your best mate behind, here, find out exactly how to house sit with your own pet! Nicky and her husband Andy travels full-time in their campervan around the UK and Europe, and their beautiful Spanish rescue dog, Gus, tags along for the ride.

They now apply for house and pet sits with their dog, which for some pet sitters, feels really complicated. But, if you’re keen to give it a go, take heed of Nicky’s invaluable advice on how they – in the first place – score sits with Gus; and also, the benefits he brings the dogs they are sitting for!


Nicky’s top tips on how to house sit with your own pet

As an avid house and pet sitter who has experienced opportunities across the UK and Europe, Nicky advises anyone coming into the business to really have a good think about what type of sits you want. She also says, start now – start in your own city. This advice echoes what past guests, Kate and Dave, shared as their top tips. Have a read here.

Rescuing a dog on the road

While sitting in Spain, Nicky came across an animal shelter that – of course – had a dog waiting for his new furever home. As it turns out, they met Gus, “the perfect dog” for them. He was two and had been born in the shelter. A black dog, he had struggled to be discovered for a new home. This happens frequently for both cats and dogs in Europe, unfortunately due to a very old superstition around black animals being unlucky.  

Gus has proven to be quite the opposite: he’s their four pawed travelling best friend.

Nicky took her time introducing Gus to the lifestyle though, so he’d be comfortable. It’s an important lesson for all of us, especially anyone rescuing a dog – give them time and the proper space to understand and feel comfortable in their new environment.

House and pet sitting with your dog

Once settled, this trio picked up travelling and house sitting again.

Nicky said one of her best pieces of advice is to ensure your profile on house and pet sitting sites makes it very very clear – front and centre – that you’re travelling with your fur baby.

“The top of our profile clearly says, Nicky, Andy and Gus ”, and in her applications she reinforces, “thank you for considering all of us”.

Another great idea – she’s encouraged the homeowners writing a review to please include a reference to Gus in the review, once again, to reinforce the benefits he’s brought to the sit, and how easy it was for him to be included. This tip was also mentioned by Laura who doesn’t travel and house sit with a dog, but her family of four :) Find out more about house and pet sitting as a family.

Finding the right sit for you and your dog

Nicky says that she does do a lot more work now to choose house sits that are right for both she and Andy, and especially Gus. It’s obviously worthwhile in order to score those perfect sits though.

If a profile states that a dog doesn’t get on with other dogs, then of course she will not apply. She says, prioritise your pet when applying for sits – set your boundaries. Some homeowners are so keen to have you as a sitter, that they’ll say “Yes, come along!”, when, the match for Gus and the dogs on the ground, wasn’t right. Be selective in location and situation in terms of other animals there.

Despite the bit extra work around sifting through available house sits and applying for those that match their bigger picture, Nicky reports that they’re in demand! They’re booked 12 months in advance! In fact, they get plenty of repeat business from families whose pets loved the sits with Gus.

Travel and house sitting

“Travel is the ability to see other places and immerse yourself in a new culture”, says Nicky. But she stresses that in an application for a sit, they’ll highlight that the pets come first. Importantly, that they plan to be present, and love the pets as if they are their own.

The beautiful thing about pairing ‘travel’ and ‘house sitting’ is that you can live like a local. You can see places you might never have visited had it not been for the house sit! And, you’re constantly reminded of the good in people. That is, inherent kindness despite what we may see on the news.

It’s also wonderful to have the chance to see what the Universe presents and to go with the flow. “It’s wonderful how things inevitably align,” marvels Nicky. We agree.



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Freedom and Four Paws

Join us on our podcasting adventures as we hear inspiring stories from amazing people travelling the world. They’re living their best life, often with their pets in tow!

In this episode of Freedom and Four Paws, discover how being a dog owner yourself, can add value to applying for gigs as a house sitter where there are other dogs. Nicky is brimming with excellent advice for house and pet sitting with your own dog.

Listen for additional tips on travelling in Europe and being mindful of what visas and health certificates you may need. 

Watch the episode for their complete story and advice. Or listen on your favourite podcast service, search ‘Freedom and Four Paws’.

Find our guest, Nicky, on Facebook and Instagram, @retired.and.inspired2020


Subscribe now and never miss an episode featuring excellent tips on how to slow travel, successfully work remotely or as a digital nomad, and house + pet sit. We’re on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts or your favourite podcasting app. Search ‘Freedom and Four Paws’

Freedom and Four Paws is brought to you by Travel Live

As a valued audience member, enjoy 10% OFF at our affiliate partner Cloudy – relieve stress throughout the day straight to a soothing sleep at night, visit and use the code FREEDOM10.

And if you’re a fellow traveller and pet lover who is keen to share your story and inspire the world, visit and mention FREEDOM20 for 20% OFF any purchased service including personalised storytelling coaching.

WATCH: Find out more about house sitting while you travel, view the playlist on YouTube

SIGN UP: TO TRUSTED HOUSE SITTERS HERE AND ENJOY 25% OFF! It’s on our VIP mailing list, including other freebies.

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7 digital nomad tips for balance and routine

7 digital nomad tips for balance and routine

A remote work lifestyle for many of us means travelling and working, and we’ve gathered digital nomad tips along the way in our own experience. It all sounds fun, and yeah the lifestyle it is. But it’s easy to fall into ‘holiday mode’, which means no (or less) income! Which led us to thinking about how exactly, we would develop a routine to achieve optimum work/life balance, while still enjoying travelling, developing our creative endeavours, and often, house and pet sitting.

Cooper and I have discovered that routine is critical when trying to maintain a healthy nomad lifestyle. Falling out of a routine means you can quite easily become demotivated. Hence, ‘holiday mode’, which doesn’t pay for this way of life consistently.

While on our travels, we realised our routine (or lack thereof) was letting us down. So, we refined and redefined it, and began again.

Find out what we learnt and did, in this episode of Freedom and Four Paws. 

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Freedom and Four Paws

Join us on our podcasting adventures as we hear inspiring stories from amazing people travelling the world and living their best life, often with their pets in tow.

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