Just another weekend at Broadway Market

Just another weekend at Broadway Market

I recently wrote about YouTube and how to make the most of your user experience by signing in. This is because we’ve been spending a bit more time in this space recently.

We’ve had requests from family and friends in Australia to show a little more about what our lives look like over here, and across the summer Cooper’s been brushing up on his video editing skills.

We’ve got some more fun vlogs on the way soon (super excited to share with you what Christmas in London looks like!).

In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek into what some of our Saturday mornings look like at Broadway Market in the east…




6 reasons why you should create a YouTube account

6 reasons why you should create a YouTube account

While I’m more a woman of the written word, during the summer break Cooper really started to explore the visual world of videography and encouraged me to create a YouTube account to showcase our newer content.

Inspired by the Casey Neistat-esque vloggers of the world, I’ll admit that Cooper’s actually gotten pretty good at setting up creative shots and editing stories together. He’s simply gone about teaching himself, which is how I’d encourage anyone to better understand digital content production (e.g. social media, blogging, vlogging). He’s the first to acknowledge that we need to improve our editing software and invest in new technology (no Cooper, we’re not buying a drone!); but despite every day offering a new learning, I’m actually really impressed by what he’s come up with, particularly as the resources he’s had available are very average by professional industry standards.

Here’s a sample:

We’ve all heard it before: content is king and video reigns supreme.

This is for several reasons, the top ones being that video is engaging, plus it is easy to digest in a world overflowing with more hours of content than we have available in several lifetimes. Whether you are producing or simply consuming video, there are excellent reasons why you should create a YouTube account to enhance your own experience and enjoyment.

With Cooper exploring the world of vlogging and professional YouTubers, I’ve become more interested in the merits of the medium and have been thinking about why it’s a worthwhile idea to create a YouTube account for personal use.

Here’s some ideas based on my own experiences that might be worth considering if you’re not already signed-in to the service:


Enhance your own user experience: 6 reasons why you should create a YouTube account


Enjoy a more personalised experience

I’ve been using YouTube as a signed-in member for a few years. Yes, this has been linked to the fact that I use Google Chrome and I’m also logged-in to Google+.

Essentially this just means that I’m a registered user, and I can see my name and profile picture up the top of the screen.

YouTube remembers what I watch and what I’m subscribed to, and helpfully suggests similar content. I’m a huge fan of Hayhouse authors like Gabby Bernstein and Doreen Virtue, and because I watch so much of their content, YouTube recognises this and shares other ideas with me. I’ve discovered plenty excellent vloggers, authors, musicians and content producers through these personalised suggestions. This would not happen if I did not create a YouTube account to sign-in to.

Never miss awesome new content again

So you start using YouTube to view interesting content, which is great, but what happens if you do not create a YouTube account?

First off, you’ll have to search for those channels every time you visit the site to see what’s new, and second, you’ll miss new content created by your favourite channel producers.

If you create a YouTube account, you can opt in to receiving alerts about your favourite vloggers or channels that produce content that inspires you in life, whether it be about health, fashion, food, travel, beauty, news, sport or entertainment.

Learn new things

The best thing about YouTube is that it is free to use. If you’re a savvy viewer you can use YouTube to teach yourself absolutely anything, from how to set up a podcast to learning a language, taking yoga classes or developing an interest in knitting.

Similarly, if you’ve got knowledge to impart yourself, you could create a YouTube account to share your own wisdom and generate publicity for your business or service.

Get involved in communities

Like any other social media, you can use YouTube to get involved in communities with like-minded people.

Unfortunately I have to say that in my personal opinion I don’t find YouTube to be brimming with the kindest of digital consumers (head over to Instagram for a more supportive experience). However, that’s not to say that if you’re following content producers who inspire you that you can’t connect with other genuine fans or people with similar interests.

The same rules apply here as on other social media – if you like something, show your support by giving a thumbs up, leaving a positive comment, sharing the link or subscribing to the channel.

It’s called ‘social’ media for a reason, so be social – the more you put in, the more you’re likely to get out of the it.

Obviously though, you need to create a YouTube account to have this user experience.

Set up playlists

I go to the gym most mornings around 5am (true story!). It’s thanks to Cooper – he drags me there, pretty much. I’m not that motivated on my own. I’m particularly expert at hitting the snooze button on my phone, but I digress… It’s really early, as you can appreciate, and my brain isn’t in any shape to figure out what I need to watch or listen to in order to be properly motivated. This is where my playlists come in handy!

I often come across interviews I want to ‘watch later’ or music that I can work out to. I save it all to various playlists so I can easily access without any hassle or thought.

You can create content too

If you’re inspired – as Cooper has been – then you too can create a YouTube account to share your own wisdom, adventures, life or business tips. The world as we know it is only going to continue to grow in this direction. The upside of being so connected is that we can all contribute to the sharing of positive and useful messages (and drown out those that are not-so-helpful).

Once I would have simply accessed YouTube to play a video I’d sought out for one reason or another. I’ve realised that as an active signed-in user I can get much more out of it, making the service work for me and my own unique lifestyle needs.

More information:

If you’ve not already (and you’re not adverse to the internet knowing more about your likes or dislikes), find out more information on YouTube’s help pages.

Once you’re set up, maybe you’ll consider subscribing to our new channel too. In the future we’ll be sharing plenty of fun travel content, plus digital media tips and tricks. If this is something you’re interested in, then maybe we can inspire you.