Live in the UK visa application tips

Live in the UK visa application tips


I’m super excited that my visa finally came through, but it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Is it your dream to live the expat life in the UK too? Here are five lessons I learned applying for a visa to live and work in the UK.

Live in the UK visa application tips

  1. Use an agent – unless you’re applying for a very straightforward visa like the two year working/youth mobility visa, engage assistance from someone on the ground because it really isn’t as easy as you might first assume, especially when technical errors arise during the application process as they did for me.
  2. Keep your filing and documents in order. I’ve been so busy over the past year that my filing isn’t as organised as it used to be (read: paperwork was all over the shop). I swear I’ll never be disorganised on that front again!
  3. Save your dollars – visas aren’t cheap, but you also need to demonstrate you can fund your own way.
  4. Get things moving in good time, and follow up – these processes tend to be slow, and the longer it drags on the more stressful it becomes, so don’t be behind the door at following up and asking questions.
  5. Work out a rough time frame before you apply for your visa – most visas require that you enter the country within 6 to 12 months of approval, and you’ll need to put an estimated date of departure on your application. The benefits of planning however, mean you can budget accordingly for not only your visa, but flights, rent deposit (sometimes six weeks is required in London now), general rent and expenses until you find a job.

Do you have other tips, or maybe a question? Please drop me a line in the comments below -Sarah :-)

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